Thoughts on website ideas, PHP and other tech topics, plus going car-free
Categories: Tech misc | Add a Comment

I have lately been editing questions on Stack Overflow quite a bit. It’s my equivalent of doodling on a notepad, or idly completing a crossword: editing is my little non-taxing pastime that benefits future readers and helps illustrate the community’s desire for post authors to put some effort into their posts. Over the years, I […]

Categories: Tech misc | Add a Comment

Setting up deploy keys is not something one does very often, and accordingly when one comes to do it, it’s something that needs to be looked up from piecemeal locations on the internet! Thus, as an aide memoire for me and anyone who wants it, here is what I do. Create a key pair. I […]

Categories: Tech misc | Add a Comment

I’ve been following various online tutorials in order to pair my Linux laptop (running Mint) with my Raspberry Pi 3 running Raspbian, using BlueTooth. I wanted to add a couple of extra instructions to the Internet’s wealth of knowledge, as I’ve had some hurdles that I’ve not spotted mentioned elsewhere. My first problem was that […]

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Just recently, I came across a list of my NY resolutions from a year or two ago, and it was fun to see how many I’d accomplished (around half, not bad). So, this year I’ll make a couple of techie predictions, and add on some geek resolutions too. Here’s what I’d like to see in […]

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I’ve been working with the Fotolia Business API recently to integrate stock image purchasing into a web application, and by-and-large it does what it says on the tin. However I’ve found the documentation to be somewhat lacking, and it’s not made any easier given that new messages to the (rather quiet) discussion group must wait […]